About our programme

We provide training, support and resources to help teachers and other school staff run a series of extra-curricular workshops for a group of 15-20 girls and non-binary young people.

We also run inspiring events with our Be Her Lead Champions, and connect Be Her Lead groups around the country.

Read more about our mission and impact here.

Our programme is…


Our resources have been co-created with Be Her Lead teachers and students, and are flexible and adaptable to particular contexts. We encourage groups to co-lead the space where possible, and work towards a point at which students take turns to lead workshops for each other, and staff take on a more facilitative role.


As part of our commitments to inclusion and anti-racism, we consciously thread discussions of race, inclusion and equity issues into every aspect of the programme, and encourage Be Her Lead groups work on activism and campaigning projects. Projects like our zine and events like our conference are opportunities for us to amplify the voices of girls and non-binary young people, especially those from Black and minoritised backgrounds.


We have designed the programme as a springboard for you to continue for as long as needed – our workshops are a starting point which we hope will establish a structure and give you ideas to develop further. We encourage and support participating schools and teachers to continue running and expanding the programme after its official completion. You will remain part of our network for as long as you wish!

What students, teachers and schools receive

Up to 5 teachers or other staff members receive:

  • 12 x training sessions for up to 5 members of staff, combining:

    • practical guidance workshops modelled by teachers

    • expert-led deep-dives into relevant issues supported by our partners and champions

  • 30+ accessible and adaptable workshop plans and resources, including:

    • fun activities & content co-created by our alumni

    • guidance on creating a respectful space for sharing

  • Access to our network of women in education, including:

  • One-on-one support from our team including:

    • fortnightly check-ins and ongoing email / phone contact

    • school visits and focus groups to support your running of the programme and evaluate impact

    • Career coaching from our team and corporate partners

    • Ongoing support with sustaining and expanding the impact of the programme within your school

Up to 20 girls and non-binary students receive:

  • at least one term of weekly workshops, tailored to their needs

  • opportunities to meet inspiring role models from a range of sectors, online and/or in-person

  • participation in celebratory events with other Be Her Lead groups

  • Goodie bags, stash & prizes

  • opportunities to have their creative work published in our zine